Upcoming Conferences and Events
"Make a change and inspire the young because where there is a
child being loved there is another being neglected"
There are thousands of charities and support lines that help stop the abuse of children in the UK. Here is a list of some major events and conferences taking place this year that you could get involved in:
NSPCC (Cruelty to children must stop. FULL STOP.)
Information: NSPCC Brighton Marathon When: April 2014 event
Why not take part in one of UK biggest marathon in support of NSPCC charity to stop cruelty against children. The next event takes place in 2014 nevertheless come and share your support share why in this year’s marathon on the 14th April. This is a great opportunity to get involved in a good cause to support those who have been affected by child abuse.
Where: Brighton when: 14th April 2013 to get involved in the next upcoming marathon: April 2014
Contact: email: running@nspcc.org.uk or call 0844 892 1119 for more information.
There are also other events that you can get involved in please visit the site for more information.
ACAL (Association of child abuse lawyers)
Information: ACAL/APIL Child Abuse Conference When: 21 Jun 2013 Time: 09:30
Are you a lawyer or an expert in the field of handling compensation for those who are or have been affected by physical, sexual or emotional child abuse? If so why not come along to the ACAL (Association of Child Abuse Lawyers) conference.
Topics to include:
Funding and Jackson
Black letter law: vicarious liability update
New CICA scheme
Tips on dealing with the media
Workshop: document, disclosure and Dunn
Savile: litigating under the media spotlight.
Where: London (Venue to be confirmed)
Contact: 0115 958 0585 for more information
Website: https://www.childabuselawyers.com/events/acalapil-child-abuse-conference-2013/
An update on more upcoming events will be uploaded soon. If you are a charity or an organisation that would like there event to be published on our website please contact us by email and we will get back to you shortly babystepsroe@gmail.com.
Babysteps also offer information on the effects of child abuse on this campaign site and hold small study groups in support of this serious issue at Erasmus House, Roehampton Lane, London SW15 5PU. All are welcome for more information please contact by email as shown above.