How to Spot Signs of Abuse

21/03/2013 13:34

Emotional Abuse

For emotional abuse there are several signs for abuse, and they are extremely withdrawn, fearful or anxious about doing something wrong, shows extremes in behaviour, does not seem to be attached to their parent or caregiver, can also act very adult like or the opposite.

Physical Abuse

The signs of physical abuse can be frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, welts or cuts, the child can also be ‘on alert’ about what happens around them, as if they are waiting for something bad to happen. The marks are usually from the same object, such as a hand or a belt; another sign might be that they are afraid of people touching them, flinches at unexpected movements or seem afraid to go home. Children that have been abused might be embarrassed or afraid to show their injuries and therefore wear long-sleeved shirts or trousers on hot days.

Neglect of Children

There are also a few warning signs for neglect towards children as well, that people should be aware of, and they can be that the clothes the child are wearing are not fitting properly, dirty or inappropriate for the weather. Their hygiene can be consistently bad, such as not being bathed, unwashed hair or noticeable body smell. The children might have untreated illnesses or physical injuries that are ill looking. The parents or carers regularly leave them alone or allow them to play in unsafe conditions and environments, and might also be frequently late for school or not coming in at all.

Sexual Abuse of Children

The warning signs of sexual abuse of children are that the child might have trouble walking or sitting, and also showing familiarity or interest in sexual acts that are unsuitable for their age, and in some cases even seductive behaviour. They are also likely to try to avoid the person that is taking advantage of them, so they make efforts to avoid the specific person without giving a reason. Does not want to change clothes in front of others or participate in physical activities. Might have an STD or become pregnant, and then especially if they are under the age of 14, and the child might also run away from home frequently.


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